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Bearded Dragons Behaviour

21 10:35:00

Hi Joe,

I recently got a bearded dragon. For the first few weeks she was great and allowed me to pick her up without problems. She is a juvenile now.

Over the past two months, she has become aggressive when I try and handle her.

I have tried implementing trust techniques my leaving my hand close to her for a while, but as soon as I move, her mouth opens again and she runs away.

I have also noticed that in the mornings she scratches at the glass.

Her tank is large and the heating is where it should be (Around 32-35C)

She is eating well and gets very excited when I put crickets in her cage, often eating them extremely quickly.  She does not seem to be interested in any greens.

How can I gain her trust so I can handle her without her becoming aggressive and wanting to bite me? I have tried to work on this for the past two months with no positive results.

Hello, hand feeding usually works out great. Hand feeding can also get her started on greens.  Try it every day and see if she warms up to you. I wouldn't be surprised if it is just taking her a while to get use to you. She may just need more time to get to know you and her surroundings.