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My bearded dragon isnt eating normally

21 10:35:27

My bearded dragon Diego is not eating normally. He usually loves his fruit but hasn't touched it over the past few days. He is still eating his crickets but not as many as usual. The most I have managed to get him to eat is 6. He usually gets crickets and grass hoppers about 9 in the morning and 6 at night. I tried to feed him a short while ago but he keeps shutting his eyes and turning his head away. I put calcium powder on his food and I'm scared if he doesn't eat his live food and fruit he will have a calcium deficiency. I don't know any reptile vets in my area. Please help, I really don't want him to die

Hello, your best bet is to just keep feeding him normally. Calcium Deficientcy will not kill him in a few days, make sure you are not over feeding him. Remember to always have water provided, if he is acting differently then I would try to worry. If nothing really changes I wouldn't worry.