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Just hatch beardie

21 10:36:06

I had 3 bearded dragon eggs incubating and one of the eggs hatch on Feb.5, 2009. He looks very well and is roaming around in his new enclosure, he's very active but is not eating at all. I give him green salad chopped very tiny size and pinhead size crickets but nothing. How can I get him to eat or how long after they hatch do they start to eat? I do have all the proper lighting in his enclosure and the right temperature as well.

Hello, this is very strange, a newborn baby bearded dragon should eat right after hatching. He should be eating like crazy every day, you need to take him to a vet for a checkup. The baby's will eat tons until a few months older then they may slow down a bit. Again all i can say is, to the vet he should go. Oh, congrats on a new bearded dragon.