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Bearded dragons

21 10:34:45

Is 10-12 3/8 size crickets enough for my baby bearded dragon? The space between her eyes is 1/2 of 1in. People say that feed them as many crickets as they can in a 10 minute period, but that can lead to them being overweight when they are older. They aren't suppose to have too many crickets over their lifetime! And being overweight when they are older isn't good for them! This is my beardie in the picture! Do you think she looks healthy? Please get back to me as soon as you can!!!!!!!!

Hey there, it is usually good to go according the the width between the two eyes. Pinhead crickets are usually the smallest size which are good for bearded dragons from babies to small juveniles. try a dozen at once and see how much she eats. she will probably eat more than that at one time in which case add a few more. Try to stick around a dozen at once unless she seems like she wont eat as many or more. From the picture that you have provided, your bearded dragon looks to be happy and healthy!