Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > mating


21 10:34:50

I have a grown female Bearded Dragon and also have a juvenile male dragon. the female is about 2 times larger than the male, i am asking how big does my male have to be to mate with the female. they are in seperate tanks but can still see each other and they bob head like crazy and ready

Hey there, bearded dragons should not be mating unless they are at about 18 months old. before this time they are not fully matured and mating at a young age can cause problems with the offspring or unsuccessful breeding. When it comes to size you may want to wait until your male is about the same size and your female. Age and size can be huge factors, so look for the 18 month mark and similar size between the two. Please do not try to mate them if one is twice the size as the other, this could lead to fighting and death in the smaller bearded dragon. Hope i could have been of some help!