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Beardie mating question

21 10:35:41

My wife and I have 2 bearded dragons, one male and one female, and are trying to get them to mate.  They stay in separate tanks and we bring them out together when we want them to try.  The frustrating thing is that they both appear ready to mate but fail to do so.  The male will turn his beard dark and bob his head quickly while the female does the "push-ups" and waves her arms.  He will scurry over to her and bite the spikes on the back of her head but that is it.  After he is on top of her he just stops doing anything, she seems to get bored and walks out from under him.  Usually this display will start all over again within a minute.  I don't know if we are doing something wrong but they simply won't mate despite their willingness.  Please let me know if you have any insight as to why this might be.

Hello, the reason behind this is most likely because it is not mating season and the female will not mate with the male because of that. The season is usually after the cold winter months and starts at January. By then they will be fully ready to mate and will do so. Before you are going to breed them think this over, Are you ready to take on more responsibility? Can you afford the amounts of food and care that will be needed when and if you get so many Babies? if so wait until the season arrives. From here and until then you need to keep them separated so that they will not fight. during the breeding season you can house them together so they may feel more comfortable. But you may need to keep a close eye on them as they can fight while together. Another reason besides the fact that they wont mate is because you just lay them out and watch them, they have no time to become settled in.