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separation anxiety

21 10:35:58

I have two Australian inland bearded dragons, one female(2 yrs), one male(2 yrs 5 months). They have been housed together for the entirety of their life. My female has become gravid for the second time, I've read keeping her gravid will shorten her life span, definitely not my intentions here. Will she keep getting gravid if they are housed together or will the cycle eventually stop? I ask because I separated them after the first time but my male went through something I could only describe as separation anxiety, he stopped eating, very dormant, not active in any sense of the word. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

You should never and i mean never house them together, the male will always want to mate with the female. This happening the female only wants to mate once per season and this will bother the female and they will fight which means losing a limb or even death. He is not having separation issues, he is acting this way because he is not use to being in a different enclosure. Please for their stake never house them together again, If they have been housed together for as long as i think then there has already been fights. Just let your male get use to being in the newer enclosure.