Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > EMERGENCY....I THINK SHES DYING


21 10:35:27


josies leg
I have a beards dragon a little over a year her toe nail broke all the off and her whole leg is swollen and infected she is drowsy and lethargic ....I've been using peroxide... HELP PLEASE...I don't have money for a vet and I can't loose her...

Hello, the same thing has happened to one of my hatchlings in the past with a bite. do not use peroxide, you need to use an antiseptic solution. you need to soak the wound with this. After soaking the wound add neosporen to it. This must be two times a day, cover the bottom of her enclosure with paper towel. When a wound swells up it is a sign of infection. When this had happened to my hatchling he did not make it. I have heard from other people that it has worked but there is no guarantee. Her leg already looks pretty bad. All you can hope is that the treatment will work. Please keep me updated as I would like to see how she progresses.