Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > bearded dragons and homing

bearded dragons and homing

21 10:35:33

QUESTION: i have a six mounth old bearded dragon and i wont to buy a baby beardie can i keep them in the same tank ?

ANSWER: Hello, two bearded dragons cannot be housed together. Bearded dragons will often fight for dominance, or the bigger one will look at the baby as a treat. do not try this because whenever a bearded dragon owner does, it goes bad. Keep them in their own enclosures.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your reply
would i be able to introduce an older bearded dragon to him ?

Hello, i would not recommend this because they can be aggressive with each other. If you do take them both out of their enclosures for a little bit you must watch and supervise them. If they go after each other, you need to be there to stop them. Other then small "out in the open" time do not put them together.