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breeding bearded dragons

21 10:35:34

i am looking to breed my 2 year old male dragon. he is aggressive but i am trying to tame him. I have 2 questions. my first question is what its the quickest, easiest way to successfully tame a bearded dragon. My second question is how much does it cost to breed bearded dragons and how much money can i make. I am not doing this only to get money, although that is one reason. but i also love bearded dragons. So what do you think i will need to start breeding, how much will it cost, what kind of female should i get ( age, color for best looking babies)and how much will i get back?

thank you,

P.S. how many babies would i get per year(estimate)

Hello, breeding bearded dragons is not an easy job and requires a lot of care and money spent. A bearded dragon can not be "tamed". You can handle him daily so he will be use to being handled but during breeding season males tend to be Aggressive towards females. Often it will take a little while to mate but if males become too aggressive "which can cause injury to the female" they need to be spread apart for a while. You cannot know how much money you are going to spend or how much you are going to make the first year. the best way to calculate this is to keep track of all the money you spend on the eggs and once they hatch babys. A female can lay up to 3 clutches of eggs and can lay max in the 30's. I am a current breeder and it is a good amount of work but it is not delivering a money load. when deciding on buying a female look for one around the same age, size, and nice color. you can pick any color you like, I have a lighter sand colored male and a grey female, Babys came out more light grey with white stripes. I would recommend looking online at breeding combinations. If you try breeding the same color morphs as others you may not get the same result because of the bloodline. sometimes you will get a nice light pastel color or sometimes you will get a dark shaded color. Hope this helps and good luck.