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Bearded dragon skin problem

21 10:34:36

Bearded dragon skin
Bearded dragon skin  
I'm really hoping you can help us with this. As it's been early noticed and we hope action can be taken to prevent anything worse.!
My boyfriends female bearded dragon (age 2-3years), has recently developed a hard grey lump on the side of her mouth. There's a very tiny spot of it on the other side of her face also. But none anywhere else. She doesn't seem to like it being touched and the scales don't look very healthy. Concerned it could be scale rot but would like a real opinion!
Have included a picture. Thanks!

Hey there, that's definitely looks like it can be of some concern. Mites can cause skin problems. Try to rule out that it may be skin trying to shed. It doesn't really seem to be that but you can't be too sure. Cover it with some betadine and use a cotton ball to dap some antibiotic cream on it. The betadine will kill infection. Remember, you need to see a vet.