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Strange Yellow Goo

21 10:34:35

Yellow Goo
Yellow Goo  
Hello! I have three bearded dragons, Charlie, Chester and one more who's unnamed. Charlie and Chester are the parents of the unnamed dragon who's just a few months old (I'll call her Sal for the sake of this message). Chester recently obtained yellow fungus and has had it for several months, she then gave it to Sal. Charlie does not have it. I separated them to keep him from getting it. When I had all three together, Charlie impregnated Sal. Today, weeks after separation, she layed the eggs. I noticed that there is yellow goo like substance all over the floor of their tank. Is this yellow goo the yellow fungus? Or is it something else?

I've attached an image.

Hello, I will be as clear as I can so you can avoid any other mistakes you may have unknowingly made. You can NOT and SHOULD NOT house other bearded dragons together. Bearded dragons can be cone territorial and will fight each other. By the way you have described it you had all three together, which is not a good choice. They need to all have their own enclosures. Also, taking it from your information you have started inbreeding them because of housing them together. Inbreeding isn't a healthy thing to do for them and can cause health problems and deformities in offspring. When you are inbreeding siblings you start loose genetic diversity between generations. To make matters even worse, bearded dragons dont reach sexual maturity and shouldn't be mating until they are around 18 months old. Your not only endangering the lives and health of the offspring but also endangering the health of your three bearded dragons. The fungus could be a problem, you need to take the infected beardies to a vet for a checkup. Cleanliness among the beardies and their enclosures is very important. Please take all of my advice seriously, for the sake of their health. I hope I could be of some health.