Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > unhealthy scales

unhealthy scales

21 10:36:04

I have a 1yr old bearded dragon. He eats regularly with no interruption to his appetite, he is fairly active in the morning like usual however I am a little concerned with the appearance of his scales.  He has not shed for about 3 months and there is a section about the size of a quarter on his tail where his tail and body come together that appears soft and almost like his scales are going to come off.  I guess my question would be, is this normal or should I have it looked at. I'm sure you're gonna tell me to have it looked at I just wanted to run it by someone. Is there any kind of skin condition that I should be concerned about?  Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

I haven't heard of any skin conditions on the bearded dragon lately at all, you are correct he must see a vet. MY male bearded dragon did have a missing scale at one point but i noticed that in a long period of time it took to heal it that a new scale grew under the open wound. It doesn't look the same anymore but what you said about yours being quite soft isn't normal. Please remember to check by a vet, you did the write thing when running this by me.