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Bearded Dragon behavior

21 10:35:30

 I purchased my first bearded dragon yesterday, but I have a felling that he may be ill. In the pet store I looked for all the signs to make sure he was healthy, he was alert, could walk and run easily, and had clear eyes with no puss. Once I got him home and put him in his cage he just sat there and didn't explore his new home which I though was odd. I threw a few crickets in his cage and he ate those right up. Once a few hours passed I went to check up on him and he was just curled up underneath the log not moving. I nudged him to make sure he was alive, but he hardly moved. He was breathing though. Today is no different. Should I be concerned?

Hello, usually there is a week to two week period that bearded dragons need to get use to their home. They may act stressful, not energetic, or refuse to eat. He may just need some time to know his new home. If he does not start to change in a week or so call a vet.