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Bearded Dragons and Aquatic plants

21 10:34:40

I am in the process of setting up a vivarium for my dragons and a putting in a pond/ bath and want to put aquatic plants in there to keep the algae down and reduce the about of cleaning that is needed but I don't want provide a plant that is going to harm my dragons. Do you know if aquatic plant are safe for Bearded Dragons?

Hey there, I have heard that cat grass isn't harmful to them but consider this: many people get the same idea that you have (like I did years ago) but later find it is a bad idea because your bearded dragons just mess it all up in the enclosure and you will find yourself having to clean more often from having the plants in the enclosure. So in the end instead of having to replace their water daily you will probably have to clean it multiple times throughout the day. In my honest opinion, having aquatic plants in the enclosure is a waste of time and effort.