Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > Outdoors first time..little ones..head to tail guessing 6 to 7 inches

Outdoors first time..little ones..head to tail guessing 6 to 7 inches

21 10:34:32

First time outside..took entire tank out for sunlight and heat..they are it they need to adjust? Or cuz I took them from their norm? Mouths open breathing heavy running away from me all crazy..I'm first timer with these..I have 2..had them for couple months..they ran into their rock and lightened up in color..should've just left them alone huh? please n ty

Hey there, first off you cannot house two bearded dragons together it can be very dangerous for the both of them. Bearded dragons become territorial and will attack each other. Mouth gaping is a sign of venting which means they are getting rid of the excess heat that they don't need so they may be getting a little too much outside. Find a little more of a cooler shaded spot and keep good fresh water with them.