Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > behaviour b.dragons

behaviour b.dragons

21 10:35:42

i was wondering if my baby beardy's behaviour will change abit..she is still very squirmish, and when i go to touch her , she seems  qquite scared of me still. she runs to hide , unless i  can get her before she hides.....will she eventually know her owner ??? and how old will that be..right now she really seems a bit hesitant towards me..I do feed her byhand also, so im wondering why she would be afraid of me still.. she is about 16 weeks old ...I have had her since she was 8 weeks old now.thanks

Hello, she is still a baby and is just getting to know the world around her right now. It won't take long, the same thing happened to me. There is no really estimated time of how long it will take for her to get to know you. As i said before she is just a baby and is afraid of just about everything. Continue to be around her and hand feed her and soon you will see change. You and her should build an owner pet bond. Have no worries about it, won't take long.