Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Bearded Dragons > my BD refuses to eat crickets and fruits&veggies!!

my BD refuses to eat crickets and fruits&veggies!!

21 10:35:32

My 9 month old bearded dragon Iggy refuses to eat crickets and ANY kind of fruits and veggies! I've try'd shaker dishes hand feeding ( for fruits veggies and crickets) i have been doing all this everyday for the past couple of months too. the only thing he will eat are superworms. i don't know what to do i took him to the vet and they didn't find anything wrong with him other than the worms are making him gain weight. and he usually licks the veggies/fruit but will not eat it. he also literally runs from any other insects besides superworms. how can i get him to eat crickets and veggies ! pease help me i'm worried...

also i have a 2 month old BD too and he does not drink water i spray the tank but he just watches it and i was told when i bath him it will drink but it wont he just sits in the water and doesn't move.

Hello, your bearded dragon needs to get use to having a variety of food around him. I would say stop feeding him superworms and leave crickets and veggies around inside so he will have to eat the crickets. I had the same problem with veggies. I would prop down the bottom jaw and put some lettuce in my bearded dragons mouth. He is now 4 years old and eats it whenever it is around. As for your younger dragon, my two older bearded dragons will not drink the water also. Just keep spraying him and giving him baths. It wont look like hes taking any water but he really is. they need to soak so they do not over heat.