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Need help taming my dragon

21 10:34:34

My Bearded Dragon, Draco, is several months old and he's very shy of me and skittish. He scuttles away whenever I pet him and he just doesn't seem very fond of me. I've had him for roughly 6 months now. What can I do to help him be more comfortable around me so he's more calm and welcoming of my presence? Is this natural for a young Beardie to do? How can I tame him? Hope you can help. Thanks :)

Hello, I wouldn't say that you could really "tame" your bearded dragon. They aren't like a fog or a cat. A good thing to try which is what I had tried many time is hand feeding. Hand feeding in my opinion is a great way to help your beardie be more comfortable around you. When reaching into the enclosure be sure that he sees your hand coming in so that you don't surprise him. He needs to know that you are entering his enclosure. Warm baths can help relax him, but dont make them too hot! I hope that any of my suggestions can help, good luck!!