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Puppy eating grass and leaves

19 13:51:09

I just love this place.  It's so nice to ask a question of any of the experts and get a helpful response.

Anyway, today I have a question about grass and leaf eating.  I have a 14-week-old female papillon who just loves to go out and play in the grass.  We are litter box training, so she sees the yard as a playground rather than a place to relieve herself, although she did poop in the yard for the first time yesterday (we are hoping she will continue to do both litter box and outside).  

While in the yard playing/walking/running, she constantly chews and swallows grass and leaves.  I try to stop her and remove what I can from her mouth, but some of it gets by me, and I know she is ingesting some too.  I know dogs will eat grass and vomit which I don't want.  So far, she has not eaten enough to cause this to happen, but stopping her constantly is a pain, and I think in time she will think this is a game maybe.  Is this something I should worry about and continue trying to stop her from doing?

Hi Nadine;
Glad you like our site.
If you are on an organic lawn care program and there are no chemicals on your lawn, then grass and leaves will not harm her.
Contrary to what most people think, dogs DO like vegetables.
I used to have a pesky weed that grew in my back yard. It wasn't pretty, but it wasn't terribly invasive, and one of my little dogs loved it, so i left it for her to munch on.
she was very healthy. I feed a very healthy diet, but that little girl lived 15 years, and had none of the health problems that most dogs have in their older years. I think it was because she liked veggies and ste them so much. She would be your best friend for a blueberry, and I made a blueberry pie for her every once in a while. I would make it wirh honey for sweetner, and just used a little, and used vegetable shortening for the crust. She was chubby, but my vet said she was extremely healthy and her being a little piggy and round, was not unhealthy for her at all.
He thought it might be the vegetables too.
she had no cholesterol, and her heart was healthy.
My Englich Setter would check the peaches on the lower branches, and when they were ripe, she would pick herself a peach and eat it. she ate tomatoes and bell peppers off my plants. She would get them before I did, so I guess I just grew them for her.LOL
I have had several dogs that have sinus problems and a little Asthma, and when they get clogged with phlem in their digestive tract from the draining, they will eat some grass, but down't chew it, and it causes them to vomit, and up comes that phlem.
It clears out their tract.
Yur little girl may just like the taste of the grass and leaves.
As long as she isn't choking on thm, and there is no chemical on them that could poison her, and especially if she chews it up well, it is just a vegetable, with the vitamins that vegetables have.
Mext time you make green beans, green peas, carrots etc, before you put a lot of butter on them, offer her some. she might love them.
If so, you can add a few vegetables to her daily diet.
No onions, and only vegetables that are flavored very lttle with garlic, if any.
Onions and garlic can be poisonous to them.
Of course there are some plants that are toxin to animals.
All my dogs like green beans and peas, and carrots and potatoes.
Most of the dogs I have had like a little piece of apple too. I have only had a couple of male dogs that like fruit, but almost all my females have liked fruit.
I once had a German shepherd that was a watermelon fiend, and the sheltie I have now likes strawberries, mango and canteloups, especailly well. He also likes avocadoes.LOl
If she vomits after eating grass, it is because she has some phlem she is wanting to dislodge, or she has a bit of an upset stomach.
She will gulp it down to make herself vomit. Dogs, by instinct know a lot of herbal remedies.
Just use an organic program for lawn care, and you won't have to worry about her eating grass, and you will spend less money, do less work, and have a much prettier lawn and garden.
I also answer on the gardening board, and I have been  gardening with organics for 8 years now. I wouldn't go back to chemicals for anything in the world.