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silky terrier potty problem

19 11:06:34

I have a 6 month old male silky terrier- Arnold.  He is wonderful!!  he loves to play and investigate and all the fun puppy stuff.  I have had him for about 4 weeks and he has had many accidents pooping and peeing all over my apartment, but I know much of that is due to being a puppy and having been in my home for only 4 weeks, but i noticed that he had been getting better at going to the door and actually controlling his accidents more.  Recently I got really sick and had to go to my parents home for about a week and I of course took Arnold with me.  My family absolutley adores him, unfortunatley while we were there for so long, he started to have accidents regularly.  He has been to my parents home before on weekends and was able to go outside so he is familiar with that environment.  but at my parents' home this week it seems he would go outside and then wait until he came in to go poop usually in the dining room by the door that he normally goes out to potty.  this behavior seems to have crossed over to my apartment when we came home.  He is normally able to hold it all night and usually for at least 2 hours at a time or more during the day but lately he seems to just potty whenever and he has only used the potty pad maybe twice to do it on, he seems to rather want to do it on the wood floors or the rug!  i also have had a great amount of difficulty in crate training him.  he does not like to go to the crate and cries if he is in there.  i'm not sure what to do about either of these situations, or even if maybe i am expecting to much of him to early?

There's two things you can try-first is to get him more used to the crate,like by giving him small treats for just going in there for five minutes at a time and see how that goes,but since you are in an apartment,you want to keep him as quiet as you can,but if it works by him getting treats for going in there(but try to do that when he is quiet so you won't be rewarding him for making noise by mistake)

And the alternative for crates is to use puppy pads,but keep the dog confined to a small area either by gating off a room,or using a puppy pen and once he starts to use the puppy pads slowly move them closer to the door and that will often move the dog outside

This does take a bit of time-and he is at least trying to hold it in,so that is a good start I think in time he will catch on