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small dog the elderly

19 11:39:17

Charlotte, my grandmother is 94, lives by herself and has macular in both eyes.  As far as I know she can't see at all, maybe shadows in her peripheral.  I would like to entertain to her the idea of getting a small dog to keep her company.  First, am I crazy to even mention it? Second, I know there are seeing eye dogs (labs, german shepherds) these breeds are too big.  Are there any small breeds that are trained as seeing eye dogs?  One that wouldn't get under her feet, she wouldn't see it and trip.  One that would be a lap dog and be pretty low maintenance.  Such a thing?  Any input would be helpful!

Thank you so much

Carey Harrison

Hi Carey;
small dogs can certainlty be trained as seeing eye dogs.
They are not able to protect in traffic, etc, and help tp control if the person falls etc, but a little dog can be trained to be a good companion to her.
I would suggest you go to a rescue group and find her a dog that is an adult.
A puppy is a lot to take care of, and it must be housebroken etc, and an adult dog that is already trained to go outside, and is used to older people would be ideal for her.
At the rescue groups, we pair the dogs to the people thaey will be living with.
Quiite often we get dogs that belonged to elderly people who passed on, and the dogs need a new home. They are used to dealing with peope who aren't able to run and play with them.
An older gog would be better for her.
A dog that is 5 or 6 yrears old, even a larger one, might be prerfect for her.
Are you thinking they are too big because they might jump on her, or be too large fpor her to control on a leash?
these dogs NEVER jump on the people, and they need no controling, they are used to doing the leading.
The Australian Shepherd I have, or my little Shelti would be perfect for her.
I am 73, and they know I am disabled, so they do NOT jump up on me, or do anything that will cause me to fall.
In fact, because I have been having a harder time with pain for the last 3 weeks, they are driving me crazy!!!
They walk in front of me, looking back to make sure I am walking alright.
They are taking turns, and I can't go two feet without them watching me walk, and going ahead to make sure I am doing it right, or am staying on my feet?? I am not sure what they think is going to happen to me.
I have fallen a few times, but I don't break anything.
I really appreciate them, but they are cutting down my independence.LOl
If she is a dog lover, then I would say, if there is someone who can help her feed, and groom the dog ( a bruching every few days, and take it to the Veterinarian etc, and she wants a dog,. I would be more inclined to get one big enough to be protection too.
as far as training, any dog can be taught anything.
I once taught a Chihuahua to be an attack dog.
I made a little cloth dummy like they use in the police training acedenies, and taught her to attack it when commanded to.
It was cute. She was a sweetie, bit I would put that little dummy on the floor, and she would stand alert, and I would say"Pattycake attack", and she would growl and attack that dummy.
There is a Sheriff in one of th mid=western states that has trained his Chihuahua as a drug sniffing dog, because she can get into areas in small cars better than the larger dogs can.
