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Rescued Chinese Crested Powder Puff

19 10:46:50

WE recently rescued a Chinese crested powder puff.  I am having a difficult time house training.  We can spend 45 minutes outside and he will come inside and pee and poop.  Not a great eater (this is getting some better). Any thoughts as to how I can encourage this guy to do his business outside?

Use a crate,that is how I have house trained all of my dogs and is the best and fastest way

What you do is keep them in the crate at all time except to go outside,to be fed to play with him,to go for a walk ect And do that for about 3 weeks then slowly let him out more,and if accidents return back in the crate full for about ten days

So if you take him out,and doesn't do anything put him in the crate and try again in an hour or so