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Older Dog Restless

19 10:25:30

My dog is a mixed breed of collie, golden retriever and husky.  He is going on 11 years old, 65 lbs.  He has started being very restless, pacing, forgetting why he walked into the hallway (which is where he usually sleeps), but mostly just really restless, doesn't know what he wants.  Any ideas as to why and/or what I can do?

Hi Tracey,

It's really hard to say what's going on with your dog. Not being able to rest or settle down usually means the animal is in some kind of pain or discomfort. It can mean anything from arthritis, to a heart problem, with about 100 things in between.

Of course, problems always seem to arise over a holiday. If your dog continues to act restlessly, you should not delay and have him examined by your vet.

Best of luck,