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saint behavior

19 9:46:02

My 6 year old St.Bernard, who probably is in heat (I thought she was in heat in Nov) is suddenly doing some strange things. Getting food off the table and my counter tops, chewing up diapers, both clean and dirty, scratching at the carpet, chewed up her bed, drinking a lot of water but not eating. She is very mopey and whiny. This heat cycle is particularly messy and my husband thinks she is frustrated, not breeding her and all. I am very worried as this is not normal for her. My vet says it sounds behavioral. Anything we can do to help her and us. can dogs have light heat cycles and then come in again less than 6 months later?

Hello Katie;
Yes, they have a "Split" heat cycle some times, and with them not ever bred, it will repeat more often...It is as if the Body wants to complete the "Life Cycle" it was designed to Procreate!
I would have her spayed if you are not a Breeder...this will give you all a break, and keep your household and your dog on an even keel!
Best regards,