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what happened to my dog?

19 9:40:29

My 13 year old dog started acting lethargic today and then vomited black liquid several times, he passed away a few hours later.  
What could have happened?  Yesterday he was his perky self.  He has been treated for approximately 6 months for hypothyroidism, and bout 8 months ago he had a cyst removed from his neck at which time he was tested for cancer and results were negative. I'm devastated and just want some insight on what happened?

Dear Tawnya,

Thank you for writing to me.  My heart is breaking for your loss.  I am so very sorry that this happened.  Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss.  It is never easy to say goodbye to these beautiful, sweet dogs that have loved us so unconditionally.  His wonderful energy will always surround you and his memory will live in your heart forever.  One day, I do feel that you will be reunited.

Without an autopsy it is impossible to say exactly what could have happened.  Black liquid is a sure sign of blood in the stomach.  This could have been caused by a clotting disorder (coagulopathies) that causes bleeding into the gastrointestinal tract, or bleeding tumors of the stomach, esophagus and upper small intestine, or he might have eaten something foreign that lacerated the lining of his esophagus or stomach.  He might have eaten a piece of bone that perforated his stomach.  He might have had an ulcer. He could have experienced a tear from something he chewed on. It is even possible that it could have been a parasite or some kind of poison. He could also have had cancer that suddenly erupted and caused internal hemoraging.

Sometimes having an autopsy and knowing what caused your dog's death can be a powerful form of closure.  It can help you make peace with the unknown and help you say goodbye and find peace instead of always wondering.

At the end of last year I also lost my beloved dog quite suddenly.  Without warning she was throwing up in such a way that I knew I had to rush her to the emergency room.  She held on for two days and then passed.  I never knew why and it's plagued me..which is why I have suggested that for peace of mind that you might want to have this done.

It sounds like you gave your dog a wonderful life.  Know that your dog appreciated what you did for him and that he knew how much you loved him.  He couldn't have had a better mom!

Many hugs for you and your spirit dog.

Shelley Davis