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Puppy Behavior

20 9:33:33

Hello Jen
We have a 9 week old Black Lab Pup.  He is happy and loving most of the time.  He has taken to crate training very well. He sleeps in our bedroom in the crate witout whining after only one week.  During the day we can run a errand for an hour and he is fine in his crate.

However, at least twice a day he is completely manic.  He will bite, pull at pants legs, growl.  We installed a gate at the base of the stairs to keep him from going up until he is too big to fall through the slats.  He throws himself at the gate when we go upstairs.

When biting we have tried substituting chew toys to no avail.  We have tried yelping as a litter mate might do. He was so agitated yesterday he ran into the glass door.  We use no's as correction or try to calm him by turning our back.

We don't want to raise a scared or agitated pupy.  Is this behavior "normal"? What can we do?

Thank you

Typical puppy.  He's 9 weeks old, he has no sense in his head yet.  Make sure he has plenty of time for naps as pups can be like kids where when they are tired and wound up, they are terrors.  

Start looking around for obedience school and find out at what age you can enroll.  In my area, I could start puppy class at 8 weeks, so you might want to look into this.