Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > Please Help. Joint Problem.

Please Help. Joint Problem.

19 17:58:48

My Labrador/golden retriever mix has had a joint problem for a little while now. in the past it went away, but now its back. My dog is only two years old. And I don't know what it is that is wrong exactly. the problem is in her left front leg... and it visually looks better once shes rested, but when we bring her outside, she gets overexcited, and jumps around... and/or pulls. thus straining whatever is wrong. We personally examined it, and noticed that when shes calm and relaxed, it only seems to stein her once her paw reaches about the level of her head when shes sitting down. Please help us Fix what might be wrong.

Hi Derek, I can help but only a VET can figure what is going on with your gal.  The vet office can take some x-rays of the area.
My help can be offering some supplements and vitamins.
Again, I don't know if I can help..... We don't know what the Diagnosis is without some x-rays.

Get back to me.... Let me know if you want to try some vitamins.
Also, if you go to the vet, let me know what he/she says...
BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA
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