Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Nipping


19 17:48:12

My GSP is three and a half months old. He is very smart obeys simple commands and is house trained. I purchased him a month ago & unfortunately he developed pnuemonia. Thank God with great care from my Vet. he is doing great. The only problem I have with Jake is his constant nipping of me. I know that it is normal for puppies to nip & chew but I am starting to feel like a pin cushion. I have tried walking away & not playing with him, but that does not work. I have sternly said "No Biting".... to no avail. He really is a lovable little guy but I have teeth marks all over my arms. He doesn't seem to behave this way with other members of the family. He listens to them. They are all males, would that make a difference? I am his main caretaker & and am concerned that this behavior will continue as he gets bigger. He already is quite a handful. He will be going for obedience training in a week or two. Any suggestions?  

Hi Doreen,  When he tries to nip you, using your free hand over his muzzle,  take his upper lip and pull it down over his teeth and push it back up against his teeth.  At the same time tell him "no".  This will pinch him, and he will associate that everytime he tries to nip you, it will pinch.  He may cry out, but it isn't severe, and you just let go immediately and he will associate the pinch with the nip.  It is hard to describe how to do it, it is easier to show it to you.  Hope this helps,
