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GSD car sickness

19 17:48:20

Is there anything that I can do to curb car sickness in my 13 week old sheperd?  I've transported him in a wire kennel, without the kennel...still same result.  He lasts about 35-40 mins then, well, you know.  

Should I stop every so often, be careful of what I feed him?  Will he outgrow this?

thanks in advance.


Hi Scott, some dogs will outgrow it.  He is still very young, so you have a long way to go.  Dramamine helps.  Short trips at a time, and then slowly lengthen them to get him use to riding.  Also, don't feed before rides and taking breaks can help too.  I would use a kennel to help with the mess and also for his own safety.  If you get into a car wreck, you would want him protected and not flying all over the car.  Wire kennels help get airflow around which sometimes helps a dog, but not always.  Hope this helps, and good luck.
