Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > my pups weight

my pups weight

19 17:47:26

hi let me start by saying that we just lost our baby of 4 months young me and my son took it real hard so i went out and bought another german pup {this one from a puppy store, the first one was from a breeder } my bab y was really bulky and this one is on \the light side what is  the proper weight for a 3 month old  

Hi David,  The weight can vary depending on the breeding of the dog.  If the dog has american lineage, you will find some of their lines are very lean, especially when they are young.  Also, if the puppy has parasites they can be lean too, so you might want to take a stool sample into the vet and have it checked for parasites.  Hope this helps,
