Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > Grooming


19 17:28:13

I am not a breeder just a regular pet owner. My GSD mix is now seven weeks old. Is it safe to bathe her? She has gotten pretty dirty over the last few weeks.

Yes, I would use a shampoo meant for dogs.  I seldom if ever bathe puppies.  They come to me nice and clean at 7 weeks and we manage to avoid letting them get to where they need more than a good brushing.  Puppies are easier to keep clean if the breeder gave the mother and babies enough room to keep their sleeping area clean.  

I am a little concerned about how long you have had the puppy.  They need to stay with their mother and litter mates to at least 6 weeks, and 7-8 weeks is better.  The earlier a puppy leaves its litter, the more important it is to have ongoing contact with other dogs.  However, you must be very careful to keep it away from disease baring ones.  

This is part of the reason I am so negative on breeders.  Many don't understand the importance of keeping the litter together long enough or the importance of getting puppies into their homes well before 12 weeks.  Past that age, they don't accept new things well.  so you do need to be exposing your puppy now to strangers, men, women, children, noises, etc.