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Traveling with a dog from New York To Czech Republic and back

25 10:04:48

Hi Jerry,

I have a small chihuahua (born in NY, USA). I am going to Czech Republic for maybe half a year and I want to take him with me. I found out that I need the health certificate, rabbies shot and microchip for entry to CZ, right? But I am more confused about reentry back to New York. If he stay that long time in Czech (his rabbies shot will be still valid), suppose I need a new international helth certificate.
Are there any other specific needs?
Do I need to report my dog reentry to NY state before we will be flying back to NY?
Do I need to go to see the vet and make him a EU passport while he will be in Czech?

Thank you for your help!

Do NOT forget the most important paper of all:  The  EU form 998  This will be bi-lingual.
English and, either Czech or maybe German,or French, or Polish.  I have a big link from my
homepage to the EU.  Review this carefully.  You should have no problems.  Be sure this EU 998 and the APHIS 7001 int h.c. are both endorsed by usda.
Re-entry into USA is VERY easy.  At most, just get a new h.c. from a Czech vet within 10 days of
return travel.  You do NOT need to report dog to anyone upon leaving USA
What airline are you going on? Try to take dog in cabin with you.  Travel in Europe will be very
easy.  If you do not leave Czech Rep then you would not need to get the EU pet passport.  However, This would make a cute souvenir for you and your dog....... This would be secured from
a Czech vet very easily.
You may indeed want to visit some other countries, so the pet passport is very useful.
Regards, Jerry Mishler