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Taking my cat from Turkey to UK

25 10:09:19

In a couple of years my husband, a Turkish national, and myself, a British girl, will be leaving Turkey and going to live in England. We have a cat and I am worrying how we will take her with us. I read she will have to go into quaratine for 6 months, which I cant believe. Is it a huge problem taking her from Turkey or do the rules look set to change soon. Please help because I cant bear to think of her going through quarantine.
What paper work or jabs would she need too.
Many thanks, Kirstie Brown

Hi Kirstie,

Thanks for your inquiry.  Turkey is not an approved-country, so they do not allow a home-quarantine prior to departure.  Your cat would have to go into quarantine upon arrival in the UK.
The only real way around this would be for you to go to an approved country, like somewhere in the EU, which would require doing a blood test at an approved lab and then waiting for 3 months before you sent your cat to the EU from Turkey.  Then you would have to wait another 6 months in the EU before sending your pet into the UK.  

Other than that, coming directly from Turkey your cat would have to be quarantined upon arrival in the UK.

If you  would like more information or a quote for our services, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you!

Kind regards,
Rachel Farris