Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > military move from S. Korea to England

military move from S. Korea to England

25 10:04:49

QUESTION: My husband and I are U.S. citizens stationed in S. Korea.  We brought our two cats here with us.  They both have microchips, both have been neutered, and both have had all shots. It is possible that we will get orders to England and was wondering what process we need to do in order to get our cats to the UK with little or no quarantine?  If I have to fly them from the States ATL airport is the best choice for me.

ANSWER: Sorry. They WILL need at least 6 mos quarantine, so do NOT even think of avoiding this....
Visit the DEFRA link I have from my website in order to meet the requirements correctly.
Microchip, rabies vac, then blood test in that order.  Then a wait of 6 mos from date of blood
test.  The DEFRA link, plus the EU link from my homepage will advise you of the correct lab you
must use for the blood test.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I read somewhere about a pet passport.  That through PET Scheme you could avoid quarantine.  Still takes up to 6-7 months to process but my understanding was they could stay home with me. Is this true and what steps do I need to take to get it started?

The quarantine can be done at home with you. Or, can be done in a quarantine kennel in UK
Again. PLEASE visit the DEFRA website.  This will explain everything for you.....
The pet passport is ONLY issued within EU and/or UK.  Do not be concerned about this now.
Please, re-read my first response to you.  Everything is there
Regards, Jerry