Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What community of fish for a 55 gallon and Im a beginner ;)

What community of fish for a 55 gallon and Im a beginner ;)

23 16:43:19

Hi there. I sure hope you can help me. I have a new tank, set up for 1 week now. It is a 55 gallon. I was set on goldfish, but learned fast that only about 3-5 could be housed in the tank. So now I am back to wondering what kind of fish to put in this tank. I am a beginner, and would love a diverse array of fish and would love colorful variations. My question is what would be your suggestion, as I am just clueless on what to put together! I am researching several species and thier care, but it is so hard to decide what really lives well together.

Hi Jeannette;

Does your aquarium have a heater?
What is the water temperature?
What kind of filter system?
What kinds of fish interest you so far?

Let me know as soon as you can.

Also, take a look at my article on new tanks so you know what to do once you get your first starter fish;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins