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My Crab

23 15:26:37

Hello ,
I got a crab about a month ago and i was keeping
good care of it and the other day i looked at the
tank and didn't see him . when i was moving the plants
we have in the tank a thing fell and it was
the crab he looks like jelly covered and all
ugly and weird and i want to know what is  happening
is it dead ? do i throw it away ? it doesn't move or anything
its scary looking

thank you
Yadell ,
hope to hear from you soon.

What type of crab is it? Some crabs will have that appearance when they molt which is a process of loosing the old outer body covering and will take a bit of time for it to return to what is the "normal" external coloring. I have had red claw crabs that would fit your description when they molted. You most likely may also find the molted shell in the tank which will almost appear to look another crab but you will notice a difference in weight as they shell alone is much lighter.
If molting is the case which is most likely how it sounds your crab is still alive, don't throw it away. Hopefully this gave you some insight to your crab situation. Best of luck.