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Walking Dandruffs?

22 11:12:17

Hello Samantha,
My two 2-month and 7 days New Zealand White is still showing some skin around their necks. I discovered some flaky white dandruffs on the skin. There was also some earwax in their ears. When I examined them throughly, I noticed that there were small specks of white stuff moving! I think it's Cheyletiella Mange. What should I do now?

If it is not spreading to any other place of the body, then it can also be ear mites. The ear wax should not be seen in rabbits, and this is usually a beginging sign of earmites. Later sores start to appear. I would treat them for ear mites first. You can get earmite medication, or even use mineral oil to kill them. See how this works, and then try treating the mange mites if the ear mite treatment fails.