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color changing

22 9:48:51

I have 3 California white bucks and over the past month there ears have gone from gray to white and the feet and tails along with their noses are lighting up what could cause this. They do stay outside in a large pen I built them 2 have sunlight in the morning then again in the evening and the 3rd is not in direct sunlight

Hi Louise

Often during molting rabbits will change their coloring. I have a black mini lop and in the summer he changed to a chestnut brown and now, he's growing black fur again with this molt. I is really nothing to be concerned about so long as your bunnies are peeing and pooping and eating and drinking as per normal.
It is especially normal for rabbits who are babies to change colors when they get their adult coats. Or contrarily, when the rabbit gets older their fur will also change. During the summer it is very normal, especially if the rabbit is outdoors, or spends time outdoors to lighten up in the summer months.
Otherwise, ensure he is getting a complete diet. Sometimes coloring will change if the diet is inadequate. gives a detailed list of foods to feed (and not to feed) to ensure bunny is getting all he/ she needs.
Since the change of color is wide-spread throughout the body you needn't be concerned. If it was only on the face and the eyes were changing color, drooping or dry, then horner's syndrome would be a possibility, however there would be more noticeable changes in the eyes.
With the next molt, its possible that these markings will return. Rabbits in the wild will change color with the seasons to better camouflage in their environments.

Hope this helps.
