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Thinking of getting a parrot

21 16:21:11

Hi Dianna,

I'm thinking of owning my very first parrot, I've always thought of them to be interesting animals and good pets. I've read some of your answers but I just need some first time pointers.

1. What to look for in a healthy parrot for sale.
2. Treats you shouldn't feed them.
3. Do they make a lot of 'mess' when out of the cage, and best ways to clean it up when they do.
4. finally, what breed of parrot would you recommend for a first time owner?....I've had budgies before.

Thanks in advance!

Joanne :)

Hello Joanne and thank you for your post.
I am sorry that it took so long for me to answer you, but I had computer problems that are hopefully resolved now.
It's really nice to see that there are people who really do some research before getting a pet of any kind.  I will try to give you the best answers that I can, but please do keep in mind that when I get my Parrots in, they are all sick and/or injured, and badly neglected/abused.  When I place them into new homes, they are healthy and happy.
1. When looking for a healthy Parrot, be sure that the eyes are bright and clear.  The bird should be alert and curious (a bird that just sits on the floor or doesn't seem interested in anything is a sign that the bird is sick).  The feathers should be neat.  Birds are very fussy about their appearance, so they will keep their feathers preened and neat.
2. Parrots can have most of the foods that we eat, with the exception of; avacados, chocolate in any form, rhubarb, caffine in any form, any kind of fried foods, including chips, salted pretzels, salted crackers, lima beans, alcohol in any form, sunflower seeds in excess, onions, mushrooms.  These are all toxic to birds.
3. Bird make a mess weather they are in or out of their cage.  A good vacuuming and hot water are the best ways to clean up a mess, but do keep in mind that a Parrot can be trained to go back into their cage to do their business.
4. I always recommend a Cockatiel as a first time Parrot.  Cockatiels are intelligent birds and they have great personalities.  They're easy to train (I think even easier than Budgies r Parakeets), they're not as noisy as larger Parrots, and they're much easier to handle.

I hope this gave you the answers that you wanted.  Please feel free to come back if you have any more questions.

Good luck and God Bless.