Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > Cilantro


21 15:00:15

Is it ok and healthy for my iguana to eat cilantro? I've looked on many sites and it never says that I can nor that i cant feed it to her I just don't want to make her sick. I've been told by friends that it's good for them but I just want to make sure before I do it. please send me a response... Thank you for your time

Hi Amber,
Cilantro is fine in moderation.  You don't want to make it a big part of their diet.  As with any new food, it is best to only offer one new food at a time and wait a few days before introducing another new food.  This way if something upsets your igs stomach, you will have a better idea of  what it is.  My one iguana cannot have any parsley because it upsets her stomach...with igs, when they have an upset stomach they may act mean and not want to be bothered. The best sites for what an ig cannot and CAN eat are at and