Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > I need help....

I need help....

21 15:02:45

I have always wanted something like an iguana but i was wondering what would be a good lizard to be kept in a 10 gallon tank?

Hi Kevin, Iguanas can definitely not be in a 10 gallon tank, they can grow up to six feet long.

Lizards that can be kept in a ten gallon their entire lives:

Leopard Gecko (one of the best beginner pet lizards)
Green or Brown Anole
Alligator Lizard
Fence Lizard
African Fat Tailed Gecko

Anything else and you will need a bigger enclosure.

Out of all of those I recommend the Leopard Gecko, one of the easiest to care for, and tolerate being handled.

Good luck