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Scaled over shut eye - Green Iguana

21 15:00:08

My iguana's eye is shut and looks like it is either scaled over or is an infection or something else.  Eye is completely closed and looks like a lot of cream colored scales over it.  Please advise.  I unfortunately inherited this iguana when my daughter just recently moved out of my home.  Is there a home remedy to possibly heal this.  I would like to avoid taking it to the vet.  Thank you for your assistance and help.  Jeanne

Hi Jeanne,
Sorry to say there isn't much you can do at home if the eye is infected.  When there is infection, most times an oral antibiotic is also needed along with eye ointment or drops.
You can try gently wiping the eye with sterile saline solution(like used for contact lens users). They make human eye ointments for Styes..I've heard that some people have used this to help loosen any stuck on "gunk" and to possibly help with any irritation...but as I said, if there is infection, then a vet is needed.  Depending on where you are located, you may be able to find a reptile rescue that can help you out a bit with the treatment.
Also, I do suggest checking some of my past IGUANA answers to read about uvb lighting to make sure that the lighting you are using isn't the cause of the eye problem.