Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > plz plz plz help my iguanas

plz plz plz help my iguanas

21 15:02:14

Hi, i have 2 iguanas about elvis and lady 3yrs old i rescued them and have had them for over 14months they were really happy loved walking around the flat and lying on the sofa and looking out the window, well about 3 weeks ago i rescued a cat and a kitten since then elvis and lady havent been happy, dont want to come out and fight alot i am really worried about them plz plz plz help my babys be happy. thankyou :)

Hi Chaz,
Iguanas hate change and bringing a kitten and a cat into THEIR home is a big change.  It will take time for them to get used to the cats and its up to you to make that easier on your igs.  Do not allow the cats to be constantly in the same area as your igs.  Start with only allowing the cats in the area for a few minutes. Once the igs seem to be calmer when the cats are there, increase the cats time by a few minutes.  You must always supervise when the cats are near the igs.  The igs can kill the cats as the cats can kill the igs. It can take a very long time,(even if they EVER) get used to the cats.  In most cases, they will learn to accept them over time though. As to their fighting, are they the same or opposite sex? This can play a large part in how they get along. Also, the fact they are basically being forced into a different area isn't helping.  I am sure that now they can't have their own large space as they did have and my be trying to decide who is the boss and is going to own the new space they have been forced into. As I said, its going to take time and its your job to make it as easy on the igs as possible.
Remember, the igs were there first and to them, its their territory and these strange, furry creatures are invading it.  Your igs don't know if the cats are going to attack them so the igs will take safety in another area...but this may only happen for so long and then they will try to reclaim their territory, which may be dangerous for the cats and the igs.