Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Iguanas > worms?


21 15:02:57

I just notised that in mine iguana's poo there are some white worms. He is a 1.5 years old and hes been helthy till now. I still don't see any changes in his behavior. He moves a loot in mine room and eats like before.
Please help! There are no vets that i can take him to that know what to do.

Hello Marija, he has internal parasites and needs medication for it. There is no home remedy for this but you need to be sure his enclosure is extra clean and you clean his water and everything more often then daily. Any feces that are in the enclosure need to be cleaned up or he can keep getting them over and over again. It is common but needs to be taken care of because left untreated can be fatal. All you need to do is find a vet that can test his fecal matter take 2-3 samples of it in a sealable sandwich bag to the vet and they will test it to see what kind of parasites he has so they know what medication to give. Then they will teach you how to give it to him and all will clear up soon.

If you ask a vet even ones that are not experienced that you think it might be parasites they may know a little bit about it. Or be able to recommend you to somebody else.

To find a vet nearest you, visit this link. They have vets listed by area all around the globe.
If you can not find one on that site let me know and I have a few more links with a few more listings.

Good luck, hope it clears up nicely for the both of you