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My Iguna has sowllin its toe

21 15:00:51


poor baby
My Iguana was climbing his/her cage and his nail fell out and it's swollen and blackish white were going to the vet to see how bad it is so were hopeful it's not serious if you know how to bring down the swelling please let me know.


This is very common believe it or not. The nails can easily get caught on wire or other objects and become dislodged. There really isn't much you can do about it besides keep it clean. I recommend flushing the wound with betadine mixed with saline.

I think it's important to assess if the iguana has proper calcium levels because a lot of times, iguanas that have developed calcium deficiencies are more prone to losing nails, breaking bones, losing tails, etc. You can be sure that your iguana is getting the proper calcium by making sure you have a quality UVB bulb that is less than 6 months old and also that you are feeding calcium-rich foods such as collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, squash, parsnips, etc. Minimize lettuces, spinach, carrots, and broccoli because the lettuce is not very nutritious and the other items I listed are high in phosphorous so it blocks the calcium uptake.

As you raise your iguana from a hatchling, you will undoubtedly encounter many more issues in the future that cause you concern. The loss of a nail is troublesome, but it is common and by keeping the area clean you can prevent infection and aid in healing. The nail may or may not grow back. It is not always a guarantee.

The swelling is just may be a good thing because it's the body's way of healing itself and putting up a protective barrier over the wound.

Personally, I would just focus on keeping it clean at this point and let it heal itself. A vet may give you antibiotics and/or metacam (a common pet pain killer and anti-inflammatory).

Please follow up with any further concerns.

Sara J Gwerder
Raptor Rescue Iguana Sanctuary
Shreveport, LA