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Iguana food.

21 15:00:47

I have a small garden of cosmos in my yard, I know they are not sprayed with pestacides or any kind of chemicals. I was wondering if it is okay to feed my iguana cosmos or even roses ?

Dear Josh,

I do know off the top of my head that rose petals are edible for iguanas. I am going to paste a list of edible plants below. This list is taken from, the most reputable and knowledgeable iguana and reptile site. Anyhow, I do not see cosmos mentioned on the list. If you don't see it mentioned, I would recommend steering clear of it. I do know that my iguanas love hibiscus and it's like candy to them.

See the following list.

ASTILBE (Astilbe spp.)2

BABY'S TEARS (Soleirolia soleirolii)2

CHINESE LANTERN (Abutilon hybridum): flowers

CARNATIONS (Dianthus) (PINKS): petals1

DAHLIA: flowerhead

DANDELION (Taraxacum officinale): leaves, flowerhead

DAY LILIES (Hemerocallis sp.): flowers

DRACAENA spp. cornplant

FICUS (Ficus benjamina): leaves

GERANIUM (Pelargonium sp.): flowers, leaves. Other names include: Carolina cranesbill; Geranium carolinianeum.

GRAPE (not ornamental grape ivys Cissus sp.): leaves, fruit

HENS AND CHICKS (Echeveria spp.)2

HENS AND CHICKENS (Sempervivum tectorum)2

IMPATIENS (Impatiens sp.)2

JOHNNY-JUMP-UP (V. tricolor sp.): flowers

HIBISCUS, tropical (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis; Chinese hibiscus; shoebackplant): flowers, leaves. Blue Hibiscus (Alyogyne huegelii): flowers

Hollyhock (Alcea rosea): leaves, flowers3

KUDZU (Pueraria phaseoloides, P. thunbergiana, Fanko Puero): edible by humans, goats and cows; uncertain at this time of potentially harmful phytocompounds which may prohibit or limit intake. If fed, do so sparingly and observe effects

MAPLE (Acer sp.): leaves have been eaten with no apparent consequencea

MESQUITE (Prosopis glandulosa torreyana (P. chilensis): leaves

MULBERRY (Morus alba): leaves

NASTURTIUM (Tropaeolum majus): flowers, leaves

PANSIES (V. tricolor hortensis (V. wittrockiana)): flowers; (Chlorophytum comosum): leaves2

PEA, GREEN BEAN (not sweetpea): leaves, pods

PETUNIA (Petunia hybrida)2

PHLOX (Phlox paniculata)2

PINKS (Dianthus): petals1

POTHOS (Epipremnum pothos aureus (Epipremnum aureum): leaves*

ROSE (Rosa sp.): petals

SPIDER PLANT (Tradescantia cussonia specata): leaves (sap may be an skin irritant)

SPLIT-LEAF PHILODENDRON (Monstera): leaves - known safe for prehensile-tailed skinks*

SQUASH / ZUCCHINI (Cucurbita sp.): flowers

VIOLETS (Viola spp, not African violets Saintpaulia ionantha) (PARMA VIOLET V. alba; VIOLA, TUFTED PANSY V. cornuta; AUSTRALIAN VIOLET V. hederacea; SWEET VIOLET V. odorata; CONFEDERATE VIOLET V. preceana (V. sororia); JOHNNY JUMP UP V. tricolor; PANSY V. tricolor hortensis (V. wittrockiana): flowers, leaves - known safe for tortoises

WANDERING JEW (Zebrina spp; Tradescantia zebrina): leaves (sap may be an skin irritant)

YUCCA (SPANISH BAYONET Y. Aloigolia; DATIL YUCCA Y. baccata; JOSHUA TREE Y. brevifolia; SOAPTREE YUCCA Y. elata; SPANISH DAGGER, SMALL SOAPWEED Y. glauca; SOFT TIP YUCCA Y. gloriosa; TORREY TUCCA Y. torreyi; OUR LORD'S CANDLE Y. whipplei; Y. elephantipes (Y. gigantea); Y. tilamentosa; Y. flaccida; Y. harrimania; Y. recurvifolia (Y. pendula);Y. schidigera (Y. mohavensis); Y. schottii (Y. macrocarpa)): flowers

* ... high in oxalic acid - pothos may be offered to iguanas only in moderation

Please let me know if you have any further questions. There is also a "harmful plants" could google "anapsid harmful plants" and it is such a long list it is separated into several pages sorted alphabetically.

Thank You,

Sara J Gwerder
Raptor Rescue Iguana Sanctuary
Shreveport, LA