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bad bathroom habits

21 15:02:47

Hi, my iguanas "house" is i large corner shelf in my bedroom and he can get up and down by the rope that is attached and touches the ground.. he has recently started going to the bathroom on my bed.. he poos everyday so how can i get him to stop using my bed and use the bathroom in a better place like a kitty litter box?? washing the sheets is getting very old! help please!

Hi Lauren,
You are describing a common problem that may owners of "free roaming" iguanas face.
If this has just recently started I suggest having a fecal check done as many times breaking potty habits is a sign of internal parasites.
Also, its coming on breeding season and males can and do mark their territory.  Unfortnately, your bed is the territory he is claiming. This can happen with both males and females.
If you know when your ig is used to going to the bathroom you can take him to the tub (or a litter pan of water) and put him in there. Make sure the water is warm.  Its their natural nature to go to the bathroom in water. Best would be to tub him in the morning, about an hour or two after he warms up..or when you see him making his way to your bed. If your ig is large, using one of the under bed storage boxes offers more room if you prefer not using the bath tub...the storage box can be a pain to empty though.
When that fails..the easiest fix is to place a plastic shower curtain on top your bed. You may find he doesn't like the feel of the plastic under him. I would use the heavy clear plastic curtain for this.
They can be a real pain to change their habits and sometimes its impossible.