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Iguanas spikes

21 15:02:38

My iguana is about 2 1/2 years old. When he shed his spikes, they were half the length they used to be. When i examined his shedded spikes i noticed that the other half were in his spike that he shedded. Is this normal? Will his spikes grow back to normal size?

Hi Steven,
The cause is most likely not enough humidity for your iguana.  Misting, baths and of course humidifiers in the enclosure will help.
You can also apply some Vaseline to his spikes when you notice he is starting to shed... Another cause is pulling off the shed when it isn't quite ready to come off.
His spikes will grow some, but may not get as large as they were and they may not get the points back to them.
With my igs, some of their spikes don't grow back when broken, some never got the points back to them...its pretty much a wait and see thing.