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another question

21 15:00:05

Hello I have questions out of curiosity. My ig has baby blue color around mouth and neck its been there sinve i got it and wantvto know why? And I've seen other igs when strips mine doesn't have any I'm just really curious. Thanks agaim

Hi Christopher,
Igs that come from different areas have different colors and patterns.  The colors and patterns aren't as "area" identifiable as they once were due to iguana farms which may be breeding iguanas that have come from different areas.
They are all green iguanas... but many aren't even green as adults.  
I do love the blue colors that many have, especially around their faces.
I have 3 iguanas and all 3 look completely different.  
There are also "red" green iguanas and also ones that are a beautiful shade of blue/turquoise.
Here is a link that gives more info on colors and also how their colors can show stress, etc.
There are also albino  green iguanas and ones that are a yellow/lime green color...
and then there is the orange pumpkin color that many igs turn in breeding season, especially the males.